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Sunday 31 October 2010

Ten things to look for in ticketing software

It is all very well to hire more experienced Service Desk technicians that you can put the hand, but if you're giving them unhealthy tools, they may not give you their results at the top of the page. Admittedly, Office furniture, true hardware and it is true the # 1 tool they use every day - the ticketing application. Here's what to look for.

Hooks bidirectional.If your ticketing application can extract data from elsewhere on your system to automatically write back your internal choice of database, archive and report software, which is an enormous amount of work that you do not have to pay real people to faire.Trop technicians spend 90% of their time cutting and pasting, when it should be automatic.

Speed settings. Your software allows you to change the flow of default screen of your people how to do things? Is it keep track of how long it takes to perform certain tasks (including screenloads), and average time for a technician how get from A to B in the interface?He lets himself be adapted to reduce these delays? may preload data? If not, you're almost pay for your entire team to sit around three to four hours per day, wait for your software stop turning its digital thumb.

Redundancy. Your ticketing software use a server back-end numbers of tickets to coordinate and store a centralized archive? If a PC technicians loses its connection to the server, or if the server fails, is smart enough to fully switch to offline network ticketing application and then resynchronizes with the back-end later than the - without slowing down something else on the PC?

Automation. Your software to automatically manage workflows? What sources of data of yours it checks in the background as the technician is working, so they do not lose time to manually do?

Balance model. You use without templates? Models for everything? Both are generally bad ideas.Models can accelerate the entry of common issues, but there is that simply no way they can cover everything and if a technician has to remember and browse more base forms a dozen they lose time.

Input non-linear. If your application requires absolute information ticket fields be completed in a certain order, it is already retain your people.There is no excuse for hard coding this in total.A default order is beautiful, but (as above), it must be changed and must be over-rideable in technicians temps.Vos are smarter that your software - fail parties fight, especially when you're billed.

Autoguessing.More ticket application is used, the flow of information more through what technicians options are likely to select ensuite.Votre application uses this information to screen and likely data including text templates, button and monitor workflows and the output of other applications and utilities for preload?Is it customize those preload in order to improve the skills of individual technicians? It allows its autoguessing rules must be changed manually?

Fields required soft. There is almost never an absolute requirement for a field.Not prevent your technicians complete 98% of a ticket because the data item that you marked as mandatory is not available.Flag if you want to flash red or orange, this log to a file to evaluate later by a supervisor or the high-tech, but forcing your people spend their valuable time to find ways around your brick wall.

Object unseizability.There is nothing any annoying as a text-only ticketing system.At least, technicians should be able to paste into the HTML or rich text (for example) in your body main ticket compatibility .Mettre screenshots and you can join/link files and objects for Auditors and trainees exactly how some thing went wrong, what to look for and how to adjust the thing only problème.La worse that spending half an hour record a set of extremely long error messages are paying your technicians at the top of the page to a typing pool.

Customizable interface.A good ticket will be able to adapt to any entreprise.De Similarly, but there will be lots of features and extras that you will have to not right this second.Check to make sure that your Service Desk is able to modify the presentation and the most heavily used stream interface to tune precisely to your requirements and squeeze an extra 10 to 50% the speed of it.

So if you're after the effectiveness or simply a way of boosts service desk, start with what is right in front of them.

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A global PC audit, helpdesk software, endpoint solutions developer Layton Technology designed to optimize the management and effectiveness of environments in the small and large organisations.Fondée in 1997, Layton technology is headquartered in Tampa, Florida and serves more than 10,000 customers worldwide entier.Pour information about Layton technology and its products, services and partners, please contact Layton technologies (813) 319-1390.

This article was originally written by Steve Davidson and is reproduced with permission.Steve Davidson runs an agency consultant specialized in boost helpdesks, service counters, teams IT, call centres and administration, reducing costs and improving services and workflows.

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