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Friday 5 November 2010

Anxious to On… Jeff Jonas: Big data is the Big Thing following (TCTV)

It is difficult to have a metaphysical conversation the game technology. Most of the cat - even with the techno-évangélistes and media social utopian - disappointing is trivial. But an once-in-a-time, through an exceptional person who thinks deeply on the technology that makes it seems deep, even another world.

Officially, Jeff Jonas is the Chief Scientist of the IBM entity analytic group and a single engineer from IBM.Less formally, it is a Las Vegas based ironman triathlete paid by IBM suggests profound reflections on the données.Si intelligent machines could talk, maybe they would speak as Jonas - elliptic, mysteriously, but with a depth and wisdom, is all too rare in our world still updated continuous partial attention spans.

How ironic, then, that Jonas should be an expert on this world always data overload.It is engineering resident of IBM data - it is his work to an apparently senseless world spewing data more sens.donc listen carefully to what said Jonas.Partie shaman, part showman, there is something irresistible about the severity and intensity of his thought.

What is data?

Why more data makes us more ignorant

Why the big data is the next big thing

How data makes us average

Why the future is irresistible

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